meet the maker

SARA CRUEA | Owner | Artist | Wife | Mother of three | Founder of Grounded Festivals


A Letter from me to you…

I lost myself after my first child. Filled with daily anxiety, I felt as though I had nothing to be proud of. I suffered from postpartum depression and truly believed that I lost myself, my purpose, even feelings of content and happiness. Looking back, it’s a hard pill to swallow. But in the same sense, I’m so happy to have gone through all I had been through because it brought me to where I am now. I truly believe that I only got through it because of my amazing support system (my husband, family, and friends) and for my constant burning desire to better myself.

The road to finding myself was a LONG 7 years of struggling with mental health issues and a constant trial and error of products and ideologies. Finally in December of 2019, I began thinking I needed a hobby. Something I could call my own, something I could be proud of. While perusing the internet for home decor, I came across some gorgeous macrame wall hangings. There it was, I thought, I can totally do that myself. So for Christmas I requested gift cards to purchase the materials I needed to make my first wall hanging.

Completing that first wall hanging lit my soul on fire. I was so proud of the outcome, I had to create more, I had to chase that feeling. So began my little business.

I have since discovered how cathartic it is for me to express myself in other avenues in the form of Mala making and small batch essential oil tinctures. It has become my goal with this business to share all of the products that have helped me immensely throughout my journey so that you can avoid the trial and error period that I endured. I stand 100% behind every single item I have curated, it is here for a reason, just like you and I.

I’m so thankful for the divine intervention that has led you to my page. I truly hope you decide to take the leap and join me in finding yourself and setting your soul free.

I wish you peace, love, and light,

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